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 awaken deeper expressions of artistry and ancestral innovation in your brand

nurture a spiritually-rich and financially sustainable business eco-system

evolve containers that easefully book out and feel life-giving to deliver

support your community towards joyful, love-fuelled collective liberation

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You're a BIPOC coach or healer who...

...desires to share your sacred medicine through generative offerings that easefully book out, and to activate a new depth of artistry, poetry and authentic story-telling in your messaging dedicated to shifting your relationship with money at a profound somatic level, so you can evolve towards your desired income goal while honouring the seasons of your body and the structural needs of your unique business eco-system deeply devoted to weaving the spirits of your ancestors and messages of collective liberation into your brand - because your business is a living, breathing testament to the chains of oppression you are breaking for your lineage

And you're ready to...

...nurture your business within a communal and devotional space designed to weave new patterns of wealth generation in your nervous system, and to offer you frameworks for content, offering and product suite creation that will generate sustainable income across all the seasons of your life

...receive ongoing high touch support with an ancestral + somatic biz coach, in both a group and individualised context - as well as access to a plethora of nature-aligned biz principles and somatic journeys for wealth and leadership evolution and regular peer feedback from other women of colour

...feel spiritually and financially enriched as you stand for collective liberation, with a community of BIPOC sisters supporting you

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Love, you have a sacred power living inside you...

A mission gifted by your lineage, a deep wellspring of creative energy fuelled by our collective vision for liberation - and ancestral threads of wisdom waiting to be channelled into a brand woven with poetry, power and prosperity. The way forward is encoded into your nervous system...'s time to activate and ground it into your business eco-system and life.


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A business evolution collective for women of colour leaders devoted to weaving ancestral and somatic reverence into the fibres of their business, and evolving exquisitely crafted containers that book out with ease, peace and joy.


Sacred Sanctum is a group container inspired by the architecture of an ancient Hindu temple, and shaped around the matriarchal principles of reciprocity, regeneration and collaboration. This is a business coaching space devoted to supporting BIPOC coaches and healers towards their most raw, revolutionary and enriching expression as visionaries for a new world rooted in collective liberation.

Receive long-term business support inside a collective for women of colour, including high touch coaching from me, peer feedback, spirallic biz evolution courses rooted in my signature nature-aligned business framework - and potent sessions led by BIPOC medicine-keepers from around the world.

Weave artistry into your brand, safety with money into your body, and ease into your business eco-system.


Pay in full for ANY option to claim a complimentary astrology for business reading

pay in full to join for ⬇️

pay in monthly installments for ⬇️


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Temple Candles
"I've created a business that's built in my soft era with a regulated nervous system."
"I asked the Universe to send me a money coach who is a woman of colour, and created a sustainable business that's led with integrity and heart. Someone who uses authenticity to call in her soul clients, and not fear. And the Universe sent me sacred weaver! It has been such a transformational journey leading me to create a business that's built in my soft era with a regulated nervous system."

Client G

It takes a village to  raise a business. 

A village of ancestors, medicine-keepers, women of colour peers and devotees of somatic joy...    

After journeying with dozens of women of colour to book out their businesses and weave  messages of ancestral innovation and collective liberation in their work, I am bringing my mission and modalities to a collective space.

A collective space that has the capacity to deeply hold and witness you as a chain-breaker in your lineage. A collective built on relational richness, and a vision for women of colour leading the coaching  and healing industries, wealthy and wise, together.

Sacred Sanctum is a rich and resourced space inspired by Hindu temple architecture 🛕✨

Here's what you receive inside...


✨LIVE CALLS (via Zoom) 

 🛕 The Matrimind Temple: fortnightly business group coaching calls for live somatic, spiritual and strategic support

 🛕 The Sacred Sister Temple: monthly matri-sessions led by BIPOC sisters in ancestral, somatic and business evolution


COURSE PORTAL (on Thinkific) 

Access for the duration of your time in the Sanctum to:

 🐍  The Serpent Labyrinth: a suite of self-paced spirallic journeys on weaving poetry into your offerings and message, expanding your wealth and leadership at a somatic level, and cultivating sustainability and ease in your biz eco-system (currently being drip-fed into the portal)

 🕊️  The Sacred Library: a growing library of all coaching and matri-session replays



These are dynamic channels all hosted in one space, where you can request support and receive my intuitive business transmissions daily.

 🪷 The Lotus Pond: a gathering place devoted to your emergence as a trailblazer, where you will receive support on embodying your unique expression of leadership, money stewardship and ancestral innovation in business

 🏛️ The Forum: a sacred space to explore what collective liberation means for you, and how to weave values of decolonisation and reindigenisation into your business structures, messaging and relationship with money.

 🪐 The Planetarium: here we commune with the stars to deepen into our sacred missions, with transmissions on the astrology of our times and how to integrate the wisdom of the cosmos into the fabric of life, business and leadership.

 🛖 The Sanctuary: a space to seek solidarity and witnessing with your BIPOC sisters, as you walk your sacred path, lean into emotional healing and dismantling inner/outer oppressions.

 🪄 The Apothecary: where we alchemise words, experiement with branding, lovingly craft offerings and create magic with messaging. Request feedback and support on any content, copy or branding you desire across the week.

 🪔 Your Personal Shrine: where you can drop any aspect of your brand and messaging for detailed peer feedback from other BIPOC sisters (and me) each month



 ☄️ Spirit-Led Legacy Reading: A complimentary astrology for business reading when you pay in full

It's time for you to rise as an ancestral innovator, artist and BIPOC leader


Pay in full for ANY option to claim a complimentary astrology for business reading

pay in full to join for ⬇️

pay in monthly installments for ⬇️


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Meet your guide, heenali (aka sacred weaver)

I am an ancestral + somatic business coach for women of colour coaches and healers around the world, who desire to evolve a brand rooted in authentic storytelling, artistry and ancestral wisdom.

Everything I guide my clients through is connected to my own journey as a racial equity campaigner for almost a decade, as a lifelong mystic and as someone who holds a deep reverence for plant medicines, the rhythms of the seasons and the wisdom of the body.

My brand is my temple of deep receiving, creativity and service. In two years, I've journeyed from being a barista on minimum wage, to generating consistent five figure sales months with a 1:1 container that books out for months in advance, with joy and ease. I’ve got there by weaving together ancestral healing with nature-aligned business strategy. I believe that people of colour are destined to lead the way in conscious, spiritual business evolution. Your embodied experiences as a PoC, are powerful catalysts for realising wealth in your life AND progressing collective liberation for us all.

You are here to shift humanity into a reimagined world - and I’m here to guide you on your sacred path towards sharing your medicine with greater income and impact.

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